I figured as long as I was still in the holiday mind set and don’t really have anything else I’m working on I would continue on the card theme. So now I am matching cards to envelopes. I originally thought I would make sets to sell, however I think itContinue Reading

I found this car at the park and couldn’t resist photographing it. Then I played in my apps! We took the grand kids to a light show in North Salem “The Harvest Moon Festival”. Lots of fun. I took the photo on the left and used my apps to createContinue Reading

So I continued on those messed up metal prints and began a few more. This on the left was the start if you read the last blog. The one underneath is the finished piece, a big change was needed! I used a paper doily for texture as well as someContinue Reading

I am finding that I enjoy playing with art materials and finding new ways to create. In the hopes that it might encourage others to try new things, I am going to try to be diligent about recording my new discoveries good and bad. My latest journey has been withContinue Reading

I just completed a series of paintings while participating in an accountability workshop with Tilly Strauss. It was a wonderful experience and I have met a group of  interesting and creative people who I enjoyed the sharing and learning of  art processes  and material knowledge. Our virtual show is WednesdayContinue Reading

Our next adventure was Shrinky Dinks! A popular and fun activity. Only a few wanted them as actual jewelry, most just wanted pins or trinkets. It is fun and nerve wracking watching them shrivel and hopefully open up again to lay flat. A few times the ink or paint wasContinue Reading

One of my challenges has been to make friends with watercolor. I love the luminance it has and its portability. I had been studying Botanical Art where watercolor is most often used. I have only used acrylics in the past, so this has been a challenge. For me it isContinue Reading

Our second craft was to repurpose materials and weave either bowls or rugs. Some chose to use the loops normally used for pot holders. Others chose leftover scraps of fabric. This took longer with the fabric than the loops but both had unique attributes. Ella persevered with a cast onContinue Reading

I have been procrastinating the start of this Blog, as I really wasn’t sure what to use it for. I finally decided I would just share my journey of becoming. It is difficult and scary to put myself in the public eye. I have spent the majority of my lifeContinue Reading